bza006 -- Nanda 2 - Nanda is praised 難陀諸善功德

別譯雜阿含: bza006 BZA English: 別譯雜阿含英譯 雜阿含: za0275 AN: AN,IV,166 (Nanda)


如是我聞:一時佛在舍衛國 祇樹給孤獨園


「善說法中,難陀比丘最為第一;容儀端正,豪姓之子,難陀比丘最為第一;能捨盛欲,難陀比丘最為第一;收攝諸根,飲食知量,於初、後夜精勤修道,修念覺意,常現在前,難陀比丘最為第一。云何名『難陀比丘能攝諸根』?不著色、聲、香、味、觸、法,是名『難陀能攝諸根』。云何名『難陀比丘飲食知量』?食以止飢,不為色力,為修梵行, * 裁自取足,如似脂車。又如治癰,不為色力,肥鮮端正,是名『難陀飲食知量』。云何名『難陀比丘於初、後夜精勤修道』?晝則經行,夜則坐禪,除陰蓋心。於其初夜洗足已訖,正身端坐,念在前,入于禪定,訖於初夜。又於中夜右脇著地,足足相累,繫心在 * 明,修念覺意。於後夜初正身端坐,繫念在前。而此難陀於初、後夜專心行道,等無有異。族姓子難陀得最上念覺。難陀比丘撿心不散,正觀東方;南、西、北方,亦復如是,撿心觀察,不令錯亂。苦受、樂受、不苦不樂受,悉知緣起。知此諸受起滅久近,亦知諸想起滅因緣,亦知諸覺當住起滅因緣。 * 令──諸比丘!──當作是學:守攝諸根,飲食知量,初、中、後夜精勤修習,修最上念覺,當如難陀。」




若能善攝諸根者    亦能繫念節飲食
是則名為有智人    善知心起之體相
難陀如是我所歎    汝等應當如是學


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Nanda 2 - Nanda is praised

Translation of BZA 006. First version published in Buddhist Studies Review vol. 23-1 (2006).

Thus have I heard, once, the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī at the Jeta Grove in the Anāthapiṇḍika Park.

At that time the venerable Nanda went to the Buddha, paid homage to his feet and sat to one side. There the World-honored One said to the monk: ‘Among those preaching the Dhamma, Nanda is the best. Among those of good family, upright, endowed with pleasant appearance, he is the best. When it comes to cut off strong desire, Nanda is the best. When it comes to harnessing the senses, to knowing one’s fill, to practising the way diligently throughout the night, striving for enlightenment, constantly aware of the present, in this Nanda is the best.

What is meant by saying Nanda harnesses the senses? He does not get attached to any form, sound, scent, taste, touch, or any mental phenomena, this is what is meant by saying he harnesses his senses.

What is meant by saying Nanda knows when he had his fill? He eats merely to stop hunger, not because he wants to be attractive. He practises celibacy, and by restricting himself he finds contentment, [eating is but] like greasing a chariot. For the same reason one seeks cure for a skin disease, not because one wants to be attractive, to look glossy and strong. This is what is meant by saying Nanda knows his fill.

What is meant by saying Nanda practises the way diligently throughout the night? By day he wanders calmly about, by night he sits in meditation, dispelling the hindrances in his mind. In the first part of the night, having washed his feet, he sits upright, his mind focused in front of him, he enters the stages of [jhāna] meditation. In the middle part of the night he lays down on his right side, leg resting on leg. His mind is focused on clarity, practicing mindfulness. When the last part of the night begins, he sits again upright, his mind focused in front of him. This is how Nanda, with firm mind practises evenly throughout the night. Sons of good family, Nanda has attained highest enlightenment. The mind of monk Nanda is focused, not distracted, like seeing clearly in every direction: East, South, West, and North [and knowing the direction]. With focused mind he practises insight, does not allow himself to become distracted. Pleasant sensations, unpleasant sensation, or sensations neither pleasant or unpleasant, he knows they are all dependently arisen. He knows the arising and passing away of all these sensations sometimes takes longer, sometimes happens sooner. He also knows that the arising and passing away of all thoughts is according to this or that reason or circumstance, that all mental states are based on this or that reason or circumstance.

Let the monks practise like this, let them harness their senses, know their fill with eating and drinking, throughout the night practise diligently and strive for enlightenment like Nanda’.

The Buddha said to the monks: ‘I tell you to emulate Nanda’s way of practice, [though] whenever a monk’s way of practice is like that of Nanda, I tell you to emulate his ways too’.

Then the World-honored One spoke this verse:

If one can harness one’s senses well / concentrate one’s mind and eat and drink with measure,//
then I call this person a wise person / knowing well essence and phenomena of the arising of the mind;//
for this I commend Nanda / you [too] should strive like this.//

When the Buddha had finished, the monks, having listened to what he had said, were happy and practised accordingly.

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如是我聞:一時佛 住舍衛國祇樹給孤獨園。

「其有說言『大力』者,其唯難陀,此是正說。其有說言『最端政』者,其唯難陀,是則正說。其有說言『愛欲重』者,其唯難陀,是則正說。諸比丘!而今難陀關閉根門,飲食知量,初夜、後夜精勤修習,正智成就,堪能盡壽,純一滿淨,梵行清白。 彼難陀比丘關閉根門故,若眼見色,不取色相,不取隨形好。若諸眼根增不律儀,無明闇障,世間貪愛、惡不善法,不漏其心。生諸律儀,防護於眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意根。生諸律儀,是名『難陀比丘關閉根門』。飲食知量者,難陀比丘於食繫數,不自高、不放逸、不著色、不著莊嚴,支身而已,任其所得,為止飢渴。修梵行故,故起苦覺令息滅,未起苦覺令不起故。成其崇向故,氣力安樂。無聞獨住故,如人乘車,塗以膏油,不為自高、……(乃至)莊嚴,為載運故。又如塗瘡,不貪其味,為息苦故。如是,善男子難陀知量而食,……(乃至)無聞獨住,是名『難陀知量而食』。彼善男子難陀初夜、後夜精勤修業者:彼難陀晝則經行,坐禪,除去陰障,以淨其身。於初夜時經行,坐禪,除去陰障,以淨其身。於中夜時房外洗足,入於室中,右脅而臥,屈膝累足,係念明想,作起覺想。於後夜時徐覺徐起,經行,坐禪。是名『善男子難陀初夜、後夜精勤修集』。彼善男子難陀勝念正知者:是善男子難陀觀察東方,一心正念,安住觀察。觀察南、西、北方,亦復如是,一心正念,安住觀察。如是觀者,世間貪愛、惡不善法,不漏其心。彼善男子難陀覺諸受起,覺諸受住,覺諸受滅,正念而住,不令散亂。覺諸想起,覺諸想住,覺諸想滅,覺諸覺起,覺諸覺住,覺諸覺滅,正念心住,不令散亂。是名『善男子難陀正念正智成就』。是故──諸比丘!──當作是學:關閉根門。如善男子難陀飲食知量。如善男子難陀初夜、後夜精勤修業。如善男子難陀正念正智成就。如善男子難陀如教授難陀法,亦當持是為其餘人說。」


善關閉根門    正念攝心住
飲食知節量    覺知諸心相
善男子難陀    世尊之所歎


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