Text-cluster: 別譯雜阿含: bza027 雜阿含: za1088 BZA English: 別譯雜阿含英譯 SN: SN,I,109 (Pāsāna)
如是我聞:一時佛在王舍城 耆闍崛山中。
值天雲霧,降少微雨, * 電光暉赫,處處晃耀。爾時世尊即於其夜露地經行。魔王波旬而作是念:
「沙門瞿曇在王舍城耆闍崛山,值天雲霧,降少微雨,電光暉赫,處處光 * 耀,於其夜中露地經行。我當往彼,而作壞亂!」
「汝壞靈鷲山 令如粉微塵 巨海及大地 悉皆分碎裂 欲使正解脫 生於怖畏 * 相 欲令毛髮竪 終無有是處」
「 沙門瞿曇知我所念!」
執大團石,兩手調弄,到於佛前,碎成微塵。 爾時世尊作是念:
「若耆闍崛山 於我前令碎 於佛等解脫 不能動一毛 假令四海內 一切諸山地 放逸之親族 令其碎成塵 亦不能傾動 如來一毛髮」
Thus have i heard, once, the Buddha was staying near Rājagaha on Gijjhakūṭa Mountain. The sky was covered with clouds. It rained lightly and lightning flashed brightly everywhere. At that time the World-honoured One was walking in the open52 at night. There King Māra the Bad had this thought: ‘The renunciant gotama is staying in rājagaha on Gijjhakūṭa Mountain; the sky is covered with clouds, it is raining lightly, and lightning is flashing brightly everywhere. While he is walking in the open at night, i should go and disturb him’. Having thought thus, King Māra went up that mountain and pushed a large boulder down to hit the Buddha. The boulder [however] shattered by itself. At that time the World-honoured One spoke a verse:
You [might] destroy Gijjhakūṭa Mountain // turn it to dust; [You might] break apart // the vast continents and the immense ocean. [however,] to inspire fear // in someone who has attained true liberation, to make his hair stand on end // will never be possible.
At that time King Māra thought: ‘The renunciant gotama knows my thoughts’. He became depressed and dispirited, made his body invisible and returned to his heavenly palace.
This file is part of the Bieyi za ahan (T.100) project at the Dharma Drum Buddhist College. Source files coded with TEI.
This file is part of the Bieyi za ahan (T.100) project at the Dharma Drum Buddhist College.
Source files coded with TEI.