The Names of Sakka
Translation of BZA 035. First version published in Buddhist Studies
Review vol. 23-1 (2006).
Thus have I heard, once, the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī at the Jeta Grove in
the Anāthapiṇḍika Park.
At that time there was a monk, who approached, paid homage to his feet, stood to
one side and said to the Buddha: “World-honored One, where does the name ‘Sakka’
come from? What are the characteristics of ‘Sakka’?”
The Buddha told the monk: “Originally when Sakka still was a human being, he
generously made offerings, led a pure life and his mind was faithful. With a
faithful mind he made offerings to the poor, the renunciants, the brahmins etc.
When he made offerings, he offered drinks and refreshments, all kinds of hard
and soft food, all kinds of garlands, all kinds of fragrance, incense, perfume,
bags, and bedding. Because of this reason the gods once called him Sakka.”
Again the monk addressed the Buddha: “Why is Sakka called ‘Purindada’?” The
Buddha told the monk: “When Sakka in former times was born as a human being, he
made offerings without restraint. Again and again he made offerings, therefore
the gods called him by the name of ‘Purindada’ [He who gives repeatedly].”
Again the monk addressed the Buddha: “And for what reason is Sakka also called
‘Maghavā’?” The Buddha told the monk: “Sakka was originally a brahmin called
Again [the monk] asked: “For what reason is he called ‘Vāsava’?” The Buddha said:
“Because again and again he offered clothes to renunciants and brahmins, for
that reason he was called ‘Vāsava’ [the Clother].”
Again [the monk] asked: “For what reason is he called ‘Kosika?” The Buddha said:
“Because originally when Sakka was a man, his clan-name was ‘Kosika’. Therefore
he is called Kosika.”
“And why is he called ‘Sujampati’?” The Buddha told the monk: “Sakka married
[Sujā] the daughter of the asura king Vepacitti, therefore he is known as
‘Sujampati’ [Sujā’s husband].”
“And why is he called ‘Thousand-Eyed?” The Buddha told the monk: “When Sakka was
a man, he was extremely intelligent. When it comes to settle things, he could
settle a thousand things in a short time. For that reason he is called ‘Thousand
“And why is he called ‘Indra’?” The Buddha told the monk: “Sakka holds the
position of king of gods, he is in charge of their affairs, therefore he is
called ‘Indra’.”
At that time the World-honored One said to the monks: “He was able to fulfill the
seven duties [mentioned] above, because of that, the other gods call him
When the Buddha had finished, the monks, having listened to what he had said,
were happy and practised accordingly.
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「世尊!何因何緣,釋提桓因名 『釋提桓因』 ?」
「釋提桓因本為人時,行於頓施。沙門、婆羅門、貧窮困苦求生行路乞,施以飲食、錢財、穀、帛、華香、嚴具、床臥、燈明。 以堪能故,名 『釋提桓因』 。」
「世尊!何因何緣故,釋提桓因復名 『富蘭陀羅』 ?」
「彼釋提桓因本為人時,數數行施衣被、飲食(乃至)燈明。以是因緣,故名 『富蘭陀羅』 。」
「何因何緣故,復名 『摩伽婆』 ?」
「彼釋提桓因本為人時,名摩伽婆,故釋提桓因即以本名,名 『摩伽婆』 。」
「何因何緣,復名 『娑婆婆』 ?」
「彼釋提桓因本為人時,數以婆詵私衣布施供養。以是因緣故,釋提桓因名 『娑婆婆』 。」
「世尊!何因何緣,釋提桓因復名 『憍尸迦』 ?」
「彼釋提桓因本為人時,為憍尸族姓人。以是因緣故,彼釋提桓因復名 『憍尸迦』 。」
「世尊!何因何緣,彼釋提桓因名 『舍脂鉢低』 ?」
「彼阿修羅女,名曰舍脂,為天帝釋第一天后。是故帝釋名 『舍脂鉢低』 。」
「世尊!何因何緣,釋提桓因復名 『千眼』 ?」
「彼釋提桓因本為人時,聰明智慧。於一坐間思千種義,觀察稱量。以是因緣,彼天帝釋復名 『千眼』 。」
「何因何緣,彼釋提桓因復名 『因提利』 ?」
「彼天帝釋於諸三十三天為王、為主。以是因緣故,彼天帝釋名 『因提利』 。」
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