bza036 -- A Yakkha on Sakka’s Throne 夜叉善色轉生

別譯雜阿含: bza036 BZA English: 別譯雜阿含英譯 雜阿含: za1107 增壹阿含(45.5):  T.02.0125.0772c13 SN: SN,I,237 (Dubbaṇṇiya) Sk(E): Enomoto 1994, no.1107 (OLZ, 54 (1959), p.241; Uv 20.21f.)


如是我聞:一時佛在舍衛國 祇樹給孤獨園


「昔所有一夜叉,形狀甚小,顏色鄙惡,身形又黑,人不喜見,坐帝釋座上。爾時三十三天見是夜叉,坐於釋處,皆大瞋忿,種種毀罵。爾時夜叉惡相漸滅,善色轉生,漸漸長大。諸天罵詈,瞋恚轉多,夜叉遂復身形長大,顏色鮮盛。諸天相將至帝釋所,白帝釋言: 『有一夜叉,極為醜陋,身形甚小,坐帝釋 * 處。我等諸天盡共罵詈,而夜叉子顏色轉好,身形漸大!』 帝釋語言: 『有是夜叉,得諸罵詈,形色轉好,名助人瞋。』 爾時帝釋還向坐所,偏袒右肩,手擎香 * 爐,語夜 * 又言: 『大仙!我是帝釋。我是帝釋。』 三自稱名,夜叉轉小,形色轉惡,於是消滅。帝釋還 * 復帝釋坐,告諸天言: 『自今以往,莫生瞋恚。若有惡對,慎莫加瞋。』 即說偈言:

若他來侵欺    莫還侵欺彼
於來侵害者    皆生於慈心
無瞋無害者    常應親近之
彼即是賢聖    亦賢聖弟子
諸有瞋恚者    為瞋山所障
若有瞋恚時    能少禁制者
是名為善法    如轡制惡馬


「帝釋居天王位,受諸欲樂,猶能制瞋,又常讚嘆,禁制瞋者,況汝比丘信家非家,出家入道,剃除鬚髮,被服法衣,而不制瞋,讚離瞋者。是故──比丘!──當 * 如是學。」


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A Yakkha on Sakka’s Throne

Translation of BZA 036. First version published in Buddhist Studies Review vol. 23-1 (2006).

Thus have I heard, once, the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī at the Jeta Grove in the Anāthapiṇḍika Park.

At that time the World-honored One told the monks: “There once was a yakkha, he was short, his face was ugly and his taint black. People did not like his sight. [This yakkha now] seated himself on Sakka’s seat. When the thirty-three gods saw the yakkha sitting on Sakka’s place, they all became very angry, and insulted him in various ways. There, the ugly aspects of the yakkha slowly diminished, he became attractive and grew taller. The gods abusing him became more and more angry. The yakkha in turn grew even taller and more beautiful. The gods went to Sakka and told him: “There is a yakkha, extremely ugly and short who sat in your place. We the gods strongly abused him, and the yakkha’s form became beautiful, his body grew taller!” Sakka said: “There is this yakkha, who on receiving abuse turns beautiful, he is called Friend-of-men’s-anger. Thereupon Sakka went to his seat, knelt with his cloth arranged over one shoulder, folded his hands, offered incense and spoke to the yakkha: “Great seer! I am Sakka. I am Sakka.” Having uttered his name thrice, the yakkha became small and ugly again and finally vanished. Sakka resumed his seat and said to the gods: “From now on, let none of you generate anger. If there is hostility, be carefully not to add to the anger.” And he spoke this verse:

If someone comes and utters insults // let no one return these insults to him
Towards him who came to attack and harm // let everyone generate loving kindness
Those without anger, without violence // one should always befriend
For they are nobles // they are the disciples of nobles
Those who are angry, filled with hatred // are blocked by this mountain of anger
If one at a time of anger and hate // can control oneself even a little
This I call skilled // like the taming of a wicked horse

The Buddha told the monks: “Sakka is the ruler of the gods, enjoying all kinds of pleasure. If even he can control his anger, and praise those who control their anger, how much more should you, oh monks, who, feeling that the family is not family , went forth and persued the way, cut off you hair, and donned the robes, how much more should you control anger and praise those who control their anger. Thus, oh monks, you should practice!

The monks, having listened to what the Buddha had said, were happy and practised accordingly.

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「過去世時有一夜叉鬼,醜陋惡色,在帝釋空座上坐。三十三天見此鬼醜陋惡色,在帝釋空座上坐。見已,咸各瞋恚。諸天如是極瞋恚已,彼鬼如是如是隨瞋恚漸漸端正。時三十三天往詣天帝釋,白帝釋言: 『憍尸迦!當知有一異鬼,醜陋惡色,在天王空座上坐。我等諸天見彼鬼醜陋惡色,坐天王座,極生瞋恚。隨彼諸天瞋恚,彼鬼隨漸端正!』 釋提桓因告諸三十三天: 『彼是瞋恚對治鬼。』 爾時天帝釋自往彼鬼所,整衣服,偏袒右肩,合掌,三稱名字而言: 『仁者!我是釋提桓因。』 隨釋提桓因如是恭敬下意,彼鬼如是如是隨漸醜陋,即復不現。時釋提桓因自坐已,而說偈言:

人當莫瞋恚    見瞋莫瞋報
於惡莫生惡    當破壞憍慢
不瞋亦不害    名住賢聖眾
惡罪起瞋恚    堅住如石山
盛瞋恚能持    如制逸馬車
我說善御士    非謂執繩者




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