Notes on the Pronunciation of Variant Characters in the BZA Project
Here is some detailed information on the modern pronounciation of the variant characters of the BZA Project. These were compiled from the following sources:
- 高麗 stands for 高麗大藏經異體字字典, 漢城市 : 高麗大藏經研究所, 2000.
- "unicode" stands for Unicode Standard 5.0. "false" means the character is not in Unicode. "phonetic false" means it is included,
but no phonetic information is recorded for it.
- 異體字 stands for 異體字字典. Eds: 教育部國語推行委員會. 2000(1st version). 5th version (2004) at: (June2007).
- 全字庫 stands for 全字庫網站4.0版. Eds: 行政院主計處電子處理資料中心 and 中文數位化技術推廣基金會. At: (June 2007)
Where no information on the pronouncation was available we have made an educated guess. In the 16 juan of the BZA we found
five non-Unicode characters (g002, g003, g014, g028, g029).
Marcus Bingenheimer, Shu Huiyu 疏惠郁 - June 2007.