bza020 -- Buddha sees a distracted monk 2 – The fly simile 苦子喻

別譯雜阿含: bza020 BZA English: 別譯雜阿含英譯 雜阿含: za1081 AN: AN,I,279 (Kaṭuviya)


如是我聞:一時佛在波羅奈國 古仙人住處鹿野苑中。




「我今入城乞食,見一比丘,在天祠邊,心念惡覺,嗜欲在心。我即語言: 『比丘!比丘!汝種苦子,極為鄙穢,諸根惡漏。有漏汁處,必有蠅集。』 是時比丘聞佛所說,生大驚怖,身毛皆竪,疾疾而去。」




「 諦聽!諦聽!當為汝說。瞋恚、嫌害,名『種苦子』。縱心五欲,名為『鄙穢』。由六觸入,不攝戒行,名為『惡漏』。煩惱止住,能起無明、憍慢、無慚、無愧,起諸結使,所謂『蠅集』。」

爾時世尊 * 即說偈言:

若有不攝諸根者    增長欲愛種苦子
作諸鄙穢常流出    親近欲覺惱害覺
若在聚落空閑處    心終無有暫樂時
若於己身修正定    修集諸通得三明
彼得快樂安隱眠    能滅覺蠅使無餘
能修得行住健處    履行聖迹到善方
得正智迹終不還    入於涅槃寂滅樂


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The Buddha sees a distracted monk 2 – The fly simile

Translation of BZA 020. First version published in Buddhist Studies Review vol. 23-1 (2006).

Thus have I heard, once, the Buddha was staying at the Deer Park [near] Benares, where in former times the sages dwelt.

At that time the World-honored One put on his robe, took his begging bowl and entered Benares to beg for food. At a deva shrine [he saw] a monk, his thoughts filled with evil, his mind desiring enjoyment . There the Buddha, the World-honored One said to the monk: ‘Monk, monk! You are planting seeds of suffering, extremely vulgar and filthy , your senses stained with evil. Where there are juice stains, flies are bound to gather’. At that time the monk heard what the Buddha said and understood that the Buddha, the World-honored One, read his thoughts. Fear arose in him and he hurried away, his hairs standing on end. After the Buddha had finished his alms-round, he ate, washed his feet and returned to the dwelling-places of the monks where he entered his silent abode and meditated. When he came out again he took his seat in front of the assembled monks. The Buddha addressed them: ‘Today, when I went into the town on my alms-round, I saw a monk next to a deva shrine, his thoughts filled with evil, his mind desiring enjoyment. So I said: ‘Monk, monk! You are planting seeds of suffering, extremely vulgar and filthy, your senses stained with evil. Where there are juice stains, flies are bound to gather’. When the monk heard what I said, fear arose in him and he hurried away, his hairs standing on end’. When the Buddha had finished, one monk rose from his seat, folded his palms and said to the Buddha: ‘World-honored One! What is called “seeds of suffering”, what is “vulgar and filthy”, what is “stained with evil”, what is meant with “flies gathering”?’. The Buddha answered: ‘Listen carefully, listen carefully! I will explain this: Anger and hatred is called “to plant seeds of suffering”, indulging the mind in the five sensual pleasures is called “vulgar and filthy”. When the six senses are not controlled in moral practice, it is called “stained with evil”. What lets afflictions persist and makes ignorance arise, arrogance, brazenness and shamelessness, what causes all fetters to arise is called “flies gathering’’’.

There the Buddha spoke this verse:

When one does not control the senses / one strengthens desire and attachment, plants seeds of suffering, //
acting vulgar and filthy one is constantly defiled / close to desirous and malevolent, violent thoughts. //
If in a village or in an empty [uninhabited] place / one always keeps one’s heart free from transient pleasures, //
and with one’s very body practises right meditation / gathers super-normal powers, attains the three knowledges, //
one attains happiness and sleeps peacefully / can vanquish the thought-flies completely. //
Through practice one becomes firmly established / is able to follow the traces of the sages to the good realm(s). //
Having attained the way of right knowledge, one will never turn back / [but] enter into Nirvāṇa and the bliss of silent extinction. //

When the Buddha had finished, the monks, having listened to what he had said, were happy and practised accordingly.

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「我今晨朝著衣持鉢,入城乞食,見一比丘,住於樹下,以生不善覺,依惡貪嗜。我時見已,即告之言: 『比丘!比丘!莫種苦種,發熏生臭,惡汁流出!若有比丘,種苦種子,發熏生臭,惡汁流出,蛆蠅不集,無有是處。』 時彼比丘即思念: 『佛已知我心之所念!』 慚愧恐怖,心驚毛竪,隨路而去。」






耳目不防護    貪欲從是生
是名為苦種    生臭汁潛流
諸覺觀氣味    依於惡貪嗜
聚落及空處    若於晝若夜
遠離修梵行    究竟於苦邊
若內心寂靜    決定諦明了
臥覺常安樂    諸惡蛆蠅滅
正士所習近    善說賢聖路
了知八正道    不還更受身


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