Sakka pays obeisance to the Buddha 1
Translation of BZA 040. First version published in Buddhist Studies
Review vol. 23-1 (2006).
Thus have I heard, once, the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī at the Jeta Grove in
the Anāthapiṇḍika Park.
At that time the Buddha told the monks: “Long time ago Sakka Devānam Indo wanted
to go for a ride and enjoy his park land. He ordered his charioteer Mātali:
‘Harness the thousand-horse chariot!’ Mātali promptly harnessed the chariot and
reported to Sakka: ‘The chariot is ready, [we may leave] whenever you please.’
Thereupon Sakka left the Vejayanta Palace, and facing east with folded hand paid
obeisance to the Buddha. When Mātali saw him paying obeisance facing east, his
mind was filled with fear, and he dropped whip and reigns. Sakka said: ‘What
have you seen that scared you so that you drop whip and reigns?’ Mātali said:
‘Maghavā! Husband of Suja! I drop whip and reigns because of the fear that arose
in my mind when I saw you paying obeisance facing east with folded hands. All
beings revere you; all the kings are completely under your rule. The four
[Guardian] kings and the thirty-three gods, all respectfully revere you. Who
then surpasses you in power, that you stand and pay obeisance with folded hands
facing east?’ Sakka answered: ‘Everybody reveres me, that might indeed be as you
say. [However,] what all devas and human beings respectfully venerate is the one
called Buddha. To him respectfully I pay obeisance.’ That time Sakka spoke this
The teacher of the world of perfect name // for him, Mātali, you should know,
I have engendered great respect and faith // and therefore pay obeisance with
folded hands.
Mātali said this verse:
[Now that you] thus venerate the best in the world // I too will follow you
in worshipping him
Having said this [they/he?] paid obeisance with folded hands, mounted the chariot
and went.
The Buddha told the monks: “Sakka is powerful, the king of the gods. If he
venerates and pays obeisance to the Buddha, how much more diligently should you,
oh bhikkhus, who have taken tonsure and left home to study the way, venerate the
Buddha, like it is fitting for a monk.”
When the Buddha had finished, the monks, having listened to what he had said,
were happy and practiced accordingly.
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「過去世時釋提桓因欲入園觀時,勅其御者,令嚴駕千馬之車,詣於園觀。御者奉勅,即嚴駕千馬之車,往白帝釋: 『唯,俱尸迦!嚴駕已竟,唯王知時。』 天帝釋即下常勝殿,東向合掌禮佛。爾時御者見,即心驚毛竪,馬鞭落地。時天帝釋見御者心驚毛竪,馬鞭落地,即說偈言:
『汝見何憂怖 馬鞭落於地』
『見王天帝釋 為舍脂之夫
所以生恐怖 馬鞭落地者
常見天帝釋 一切諸大地
人天大小王 及四護世主
三十三天眾 悉皆恭敬禮
何處更有尊 尊於帝釋者
而今正東向 合掌修敬禮』
『我實於一切 世間大小王
及四護世王 三十三天眾
最為其尊王 故悉來恭敬
而復有世間 隨順等正覺
名號滿天師 故我稽首禮』
『是必世間勝 故使天王釋
恭敬而合掌 東向稽首禮
我今亦當禮 天王所禮者』
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