bza012 -- Ānanda and the three kinds of scent 諸香不如戒香

別譯雜阿含: bza012 BZA English: 別譯雜阿含英譯 雜阿含: za1073 佛說戒德香經: T.02.0116.0507b14 佛說戒香經: T.02.0117.0508a10 增壹阿含(23.5): T.02.0125.0613b10 AN: AN,I,225 (Gandha) cf. Sk(W) Waldschmidt 1968a:16-23 Sk(E): Enomoto 1994, no.1073 (GanSū; SHT 5, no.1183 (NAWG, 1968, 1, p.23); Uv 6.16-20; Abhidh-k-bh p.168.)


如是我聞:一時佛住王舍城 仙人山中。




「世尊!我於向者獨處閑靜,默自思惟: 『世尊所說根、莖、華等三種之香,眾香中上。然其香氣,順風則聞,逆則不聞。』 世尊!頗復有香,逆風、順風皆能聞不?」


「如是,如是,世有好香,順、逆皆聞。何者是耶?若聚落城邑若男若女修治不殺、不盜、不婬、不妄語、不飲酒。若諸天及得天眼者,盡皆稱嘆。彼城邑聚落若男若女持五戒者,如是戒香,順、逆 * 皆聞。」


若栴檀沈水    根莖及花葉
此香順風聞    逆風無聞者
持戒香丈夫    芳 * 馨遍世界
名聞滿十方    逆順悉聞之
栴檀及沈水    優鉢羅 * 拔師
如此香微劣    不如持戒香
如是種種香    所聞處不遠
戒香聞十方    殊勝諸天香
如此清淨戒    不放逸為本
安住無漏法    正智得解脫
眾魔雖欲求    莫知其方所
是名安隱道    此道最清淨
永離於諸向    捨棄於眾趣


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Ānanda and the three kinds of scent

Translation of BZA 012. First version published in Buddhist Studies Review vol. 23-1 (2006).

Thus have I heard, once, the Buddha was staying in Rājagaha on the mountain Isigili.

At that time the Venerable Ānanda was resting, when, quietly, this thought arose in him: ‘Once the World-honored One spoke about three kinds of scent: The scents of roots, stalks and blossoms, and that there are no better scents than these. However [he said] these three can [only] be sensed when the wind is right, and can not be sensed against the wind’. Having thought like this, Ānanda rose from his seat, went to the Buddha, and having paid homage to his feet sat to one side. He said to the Buddha: ‘World-honored One! Just now, while I was resting, quietly, this thought arose in me: “Once the World-honored One has spoken about three kinds of scent: The scents of roots, stalks and blossoms, and that these are the best among all scents. However [, he said, ] these could [only] be sensed with the wind and not against the wind”. World-honored One, is there a scent that can be sensed both with and against the wind?’.

The Buddha said to Ānanda: ‘Yes, of course there is. In this world there is a good scent that can be sensed both with and against the wind. And what scent? If there in a village or a town a man or a woman practises restraint, does not kill, not steal, not commit sexual misconduct, does not lie, and not drink alcohol, then all devas and all those having attained divine sight will praise this person. Thus, if in a town or village a man or a woman keeps the five precepts, the scent of the precepts is sensed with and against the wind’.

At that time the Buddha spoke this verse:

Sandal and aloewood / roots, stalks and blossoms: //
these scents are sensed with the wind / no one senses them against the wind. //
The great man keeping the precepts / his fragrance pervades the world, //
his fame fills the ten directions / it is sensed both with and against the wind. //
Sandal and aloe wood / the water lily and jasmine; //
these scents are inferior / unlike the scent of the precepts. //
Those scents / do not reach far; //
the scent of the precepts however reaches everywhere / better even than the heavenly scents. //
One who takes the pure precepts / untiringly as the basis of his life //
abides peacefully without defilements / by correct insight attains liberation. //
Though the demons try to find him / they do not know his abode; //
this is called the path of peacefully settling / this is the purest path, //
forever leaving the many realms / giving up the samsaric worlds. //

When the Buddha had finished, the monks, having listened to what he had said, were happy and practised accordingly.

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