bza221 -- Cālā 魔欲惱折羅比丘尼

別譯雜阿含: bza221 BZA English: 別譯雜阿含英譯 雜阿含: za1205 SN: SN,I,132 (Cālā) Thī: Thī,141 (Upacālātherīgāthā, vv.189-195) Sk(E): Enomoto 1994, no.1205 (Divy p.164; Uv 27.34; Abhidh-k-bh p.217; Abhidh-d p.127; Maitr-vyāk 60; VSthSū 15; SHT 4, no.50 [see Eno 1982, p.(84); SHT 5, p.271].)


如是我聞:一時佛在舍衛國 祇樹給孤獨園








有生必得樂    生 * 必受五欲
汝受誰教勅    言不用復生


生者必有死    眾苦所纏縛
一切苦應斷    是以不求生
具眼牟尼尊    說斯真諦法
苦因生於苦    皆應捨離之
修聖八正道    安隱趣涅槃
世尊教導我    我樂是教法
我證知彼法    是故不樂生
斷除一切愛    滅諸無明闇
逮得於滅盡    安住無漏法
以是故當知    波旬墮負處




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Translation of BZA 221. First version published in Buddhist Studies Review vol. 23-1 (2006).

Thus have I heard, once, the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī at the Jeta Grove in the Anāthapiṇḍika Park.

At that time there was a nun named Cālā. One morning she took her robes and her begging bowl, and entered the town to beg for food. Having finished her meal, she cleaned her bowl, and gathered her seat [for meditation]. She went to the Andhavana forest, sat upright under a tree to meditate, and entered [jhāna] meditation. At that time King Māra thought: “The renunciant Gotama is staying at Sāvatthī at the Jeta Grove in the Anāthapiṇḍika Park. There is the nun Cālā who in the morning took her robes and her begging bowl and entered the town to beg for food. Having finished her meal, she cleaned her bowl, gathered her seat and has gone to the Andhavana forest. [Now] she is sitting under a tree and has entered [jhāna] meditation. I shall go there and disturb her!” Having thought thus he changed into a young man, approached her and said: “My lady, where do you desire to be reborn?” The nun replied: “As things stand, I will not be reborn anywhere.” That time the young man said a verse:

Once born we are bound to experience joy // and the five sensual pleasures
Who has taught you // to say you have no need of further birth?

The nun Cālā replied with a verse:

All that is born must die // and is held in bondage by all kinds of suffering
To cut off all suffering // is not to ask for further life
The venerable sage, the seer // has explained this truth
Suffering causes suffering to arise // all this is to be left behind
Through practicing the eight-fold noble path // peacefully we find ourselves on the path to Nirvana
The World-honored One has taught me // and I rejoice in his teaching
I have witnessed and realized this teaching // and therefore have no joy in birth
I have cut off all craving // the darkness of ignorance destroyed
Having reached complete cessation // [I] peacefully dwell in a state of purity
Therefore understand // Bad One you are defeated

At that time King Māra thought: “This nun knows my mind well!” Depressed, dispirited, and ashamed he returned to his palace.

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