bza013 -- Uruvela Kassapa performs miracles 迦葉得遇大龍

別譯雜阿含: bza013 BZA English: 別譯雜阿含英譯 雜阿含: za1074 中阿含(62)頻鞞娑邏王迎佛經: T.01.0026.0497b04 佛說頻羅婆娑羅王經: T.01.0041.0825a23 方廣大莊嚴經: T.03.0187.0612c06 佛說眾許摩訶帝經: T.03.0191.0962c16 佛所行讚: T.04.0192.0032a14 佛說初分說經: T.14.0498.0766c25 四分律: T.22.1428.0797b03 Vin: Vin,I,035 (Mv.I.22) Sk(E): Enomoto 1994, no.1074 (CPS 27c1-d12; Saṅghabh 1, pp.154-157; SHT 3, no.967)



頻婆娑羅王聞佛到彼祠祀林間。時頻婆娑羅王即將騎 * 隊有萬八千,輦輿車乘萬有二千,婆羅門居士數千億萬,前後圍遶,往詣佛所。至佛所已,捨象、馬、車,釋其容飾,往至佛所,長跪合掌,白佛言:






爾時世尊知摩竭提人深心所念,即以 * 偈問迦葉曰:

汝於優樓所    久修事火法
今以何因緣    卒得離斯業


我先事火時    貪嗜於美味
及以五欲色    此皆是垢穢
以是故棄捨    事火祠火法


我知汝不樂    五欲及色味
汝今所信樂    當為人天說


我先甚愚癡    不識至真法
祠祀火苦行    謂為解脫因
譬如生盲者    不見解脫道
今遇大人龍    示我正見法
今日始覩見    無為正真迹
利益於一切    調御令解脫
佛出現於世    開示於真諦
令諸含生類    咸得覩慧光


汝今為善來    所求事已得
汝有善思力    能別最勝法
汝今應觀察    大眾之深心
為其現神變    使彼生敬信

尊者優樓頻螺迦葉即時入定,起諸神通,身昇虛空,坐、臥、經行,即於東方行、住、坐、臥,現四威儀。身上出水,身下出火;身下出水,身上出火。入火光三昧,出種種 * 色光,於其東方現其神變;南、西、北方,亦復如是。現神足已,在佛前住,頂禮佛足,合掌而言:

「大聖世尊是我之 師,我於今者是佛之子。」






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Uruvela Kassapa performs miracles

Translation of BZA 013. First version published in Buddhist Studies Review vol. 23-1 (2006).

Thus have I heard, once, the Buddha was wandering in Magadha accompanied by a thousand monks, that had formerly been virtuous elders among the brāhmaṇas , who have attained Arahatship, stopped all defilements, ended all bonds of becoming [that lead to rebirth], done what was to be done, cast off the heavy burden, reaped their reward. The Tathāgata went to the Suppatiṭṭha deva-shrine in the Laṭṭhivana forest.

When king Bimbisāra heard the Buddha was staying in the Laṭṭhivana he immediately set forth with 18,000 cavalry, 12,000 chariots and carriages, surrounded on all sides by a huge number of brāhmaṇas and lay-men. When he arrived, he left the elephants, horses and chariots behind and took off his jewelry. On approaching the Buddha, he kneeled and with folded hands addressed the Buddha: ‘World-honored One! I am Bimbisāra, king of Magadha!’. Three times he said this. The Buddha replied: ‘Very well, Bimbisāra, king of Magadha’. Bimbisāra paid homage to Buddha’s feet and sat to one side and the brāhmaṇas and elders of Magadha [too] paid homage to the Buddha’s feet and one by one came before him and sat down. Sitting down, some raised their hands [in greeting], some sat down in silence.

At that time Uruvela-Kassapa was present and the people of Magadha started wondering: ‘Is the Buddha the teacher here, or Uruvela-Kassapa?’. The Buddha knew what the people of Magadha were thinking deep inside and he asked Kassapa with a verse:

At Uruvela you have / for a long time practised fire sacrifice; //
for what reason now / have you stopped them, given up these actions? //

And Uruvela-Kassapa answered with a verse:

I once practised fire sacrifice / desiring a taste of beauty //
and the objects of the five sensual pleasures / however these are all impure, //
therefore I have given up / on fire sacrifices the way of offerings to fire. //

There the Buddha spoke another verse:

We know you do not find happiness / in the five sensual pleasures, [their] form and taste; //
what you do treasure now / make it known to men and gods. //

And the venerable Uruvela-Kassapa spoke another verse:

Once I was ignorant / did not know the most true Dhamma, //
made fire offerings practised asceticism / and held this to be the cause of liberation. //
I was like someone born blind / not seeing the path to liberation. //
Now I have met the great dragon among men / who has taught me the correct view of the Dhamma. //
These days I have started to perceive / the traces of the truly Unconditioned. //
For the benefit of all / to train us and lead us to liberation //
has the Buddha appeared in the world / teaching the absolute truth, //
he leads all kinds of sentient beings / let them all perceive the light of wisdom. //

There the Buddha spoke another verse:

Now you have well arrived / have obtained what you longed for, //
you have the power of good thought / and can discern the supreme Dhamma. //
Now you should consider / the mind of these people here //
and display some miracles / to engender deep respect in them. //

At this the venerable Uruvela-Kassapa at once entered concentration and using his magical powers, rose up into the air, [in various postures] sitting, then lying, then walking about. Appearing in the East, walking, standing, sitting, lying, in all four postures, he let water rush out of his upper body and fire from his lower body; [then] he let water rush out from his lower body and fire from his upper body, [then] he entered the fire-blaze samādhi and emitted rays in various colors. Having displayed his magical powers in the East, he did the same in the South, the West and the North. When he was finished, he went before the Buddha, payed homage to his feet and said with folded hands: ‘The great sage, the World-honored One is my teacher, from now on I am a student of the Buddha’. The Buddha said: ‘Very well, you shall learn from me, be my student’. And he ordered him: ‘Return to your seat now’.

At that time Magadha’s King Bimbisāra, having heard what Buddha had said, was happy and practised accordingly.

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摩竭提王瓶沙聞世尊摩竭提國人間遊行,至善建立支提杖林中住,與諸小王、群臣、羽從,車萬二千乘,馬萬八千步 ,逐眾無數。摩竭提婆羅門長者悉皆從王出王舍城,詣世尊所,恭敬供養。到於道口,下車步進,及於內門,除去五飾,脫冠却蓋,除扇去劍刀,脫革屣。到於佛前整衣服,偏露右肩,為佛作禮,右遶三匝,自稱姓名,白佛言:







欝鞞羅迦葉    於此見何利
棄汝先所奉    事火等眾事
今可說其義    捨事火之由


錢財等滋味    女色五欲果
觀察未來受    斯皆大垢穢
是故悉棄捨    先諸奉火事


汝不著世間    錢財五色味
復何捨天人    迦葉隨義說


見道離有餘    寂滅無餘跡
無所有不著    無異趣異道
是故悉棄捨    先修奉火事
大會等受持    奉事於水火
愚癡沒於中    志求解脫道
盲無智慧目    向生老病死
不見於正路    永離生死道
今始因世尊    得見無為道
大龍所說力    得度於彼岸
牟尼廣濟度    安慰無量眾
今始知瞿曇    真諦超出者


善哉汝迦葉    先非惡思量
次第分別求    遂至於勝處









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